Southern Living - Red Wine Sippin' - Wife - Mom of 3 - Jesus Follower- Mompreneur
The scariest day.
Anyone that follows me on Instagram knows that we had a pretty scary week last week that did not go as we originally planned. Our daughter (who is 9 months old) ended up getting sick on Thanksgiving and come Monday (5 days later) she was much worse off and one sick baby. My husband took her to the pediatrician since she wasn’t getting better even though we figured it was viral and would have to run its course and I headed to the airport to fly out for work. On my way to the airport I got the call from my husband that our baby girl had tested positive for RSV, wasn’t breathing normally, and the pediatrician was rushing them to the hospital.
This was a minute of calm in the storm about 5 hours in to our journey from you know where still in the ER…ignore my puffy face and dad’s pure exhaustion in the background.
Praise the Lord I had not yet gotten on the flight and rushed to the hospital to meet them. We ended up meeting on the way to Atlanta and arrived all at the same time to the ER. The ER upon taking one look at our little girl rushed us back to the trauma room (without even collecting our names or insurance// scary) and immediately admitted us to the hospital where we would end up staying for the next two days. Key the scariest couple days as of yet of my life.
We were in a trauma room in the ER for the first few hours where they did chest x-rays, ran an IV in our baby’s hand, and hooked her up to tons of monitoring and wires including oxygen in her nose. For those of you who haven’t been in this situation seeing your baby almost life like strapped down to a table with wires coming out, tears streaming out of her eyes, and vitals plummeting without the help of oxygen is a pretty terrifying thing to witness. Emotionally it was very challenging on us both to say the least. The next two nights my baby girl slept in my arms in a hospital bed (with the exception of being woken up by nurses every hour throughout the night and day). We were relieved when she FINALLY felt well enough to start getting bored being stuck in the same room and hospital bed on Wednesday and are so thankfully that today, Sunday, she finally seems to be back to her self.
cuddles with my girl
We were so happy to finally see some smiles
While it was some of the scariest moments of our life we left the hospital overwhelmed with gratitude. Being in a children’s hospital and just observing the children and parents around you who live in this situation and worse day in and day out puts so very much in perspective. We are SO very thankfulto all of you who prayed for our little girl (and us), we are so thankful for incredible nurses and doctors and to live in a country where we have amazing healthcare (as one of the doctors told us if we hadn’t had access to the hospital when we did we probably wouldn’t have our baby with us today), we are thankful to have jobs that will allow us to pay our hospital bills when they come in, we are thankful to our companies for being understanding and allowing us to take time away from work to be with our baby, and last but not least we are SO thankful to those of you who called, sent texts, and brought us food and clothes both at the hospital and last week when we got home.
finally feeling well enough to be “bored” and to sit up…watching Minnie with Daddy on his phone
All I can say is wash your hands. Wash your kids hands. RSV is out there and powerful and can be oh so scary. Also…
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