During our marriage counseling our minster talked an awful lot about the importance of keeping your spouse‘s love tank full. In case you haven’t ever heard this analogy let me explain because it is something we refer to often in our marriage and I believe can help keep your marriage a wonderful bond between both partners.
Every individual has a need for love. Image with me for moment that this need for love is a tank similar to your gas tank. Every person who has ever walked the planet has a desire to be loved and be shown love. Although this desire for love may be fulfilled in different ways depending on your love language (for example one person’s love language might be words of affirmation and another person‘s love language might be acts of kindness or physical affirmation). Many people have a variety of love languages but the take home point is that all have a need for a fulfillment of love and your goal as a spouse should be to keep your partner’s love tank above half way full at all times.
Let me clarify…similar to a tank of gas it is not always possible to fill the tank all the way up although you should strive to when you can. Keeping with the gasoline analogy sometimes you aren’t near a gas station or are in a hurry. The other side of it is that you never want your gas tank to drop below a certain amount (half-way) because if your tank is running low you are more likely to get in a bad situation. For example what happens when you get suck in traffic or there is an emergency and you need to drive but run out of gas? Similarly as humans who have the desire and need for affection and love if your tank gets empty you search out that love in other ways. This is how affairs get started. Keep your partners love tank full and you will never have to worry about your partner not being faithful. I’m serious. This one simple truth could SAVE your marriage! Not only can thinking about it this way save your marriage but you have the power to make your marriage AMAZING by making it your purpose in life to have your partner’s love tank so full that it is overflowing into reserve tanks.
This is exactly what my husand and I try to do for each other every single day and I have to say this past weekend was a big mission accomplished for him on that note. If you follow me on Instagram or twitter then you already know how full my tank is from this past weekend.
I walked in from work Friday night to find a clean house with a room full of light candles, 24 gorgeous red roses, a bottle of wine, a cheese platter for us to share, a movie, and one of the sweetest card he’s ever given me. The best part? It was all for no reason! I was shocked, surprised, and overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness. When I asked him what it was all for he answered with, “just because I love you and I appreciate you and I don’t show you that enough.” Guys, my love tank shot straight to the roof.
My hope in sharing all this is that this resonates with some of you the way it has resonated with us. May you all set out with a life mission to over flow your spouse’s love tank and have wonderful marriages!
Hi, Great post. I found you through the blog hop. Now following you.Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance.
Be sure and check out my new Blog Hop that we just started, It's Weekly Goals Link Up. It's a great way to stay on track. Have a great day. 🙂 Here's the link in case you want to check it out. Thanks again.http://lenettacarnes.blogspot.com/2013/01/weekly-goals-linkup-html
Oh, my gosh, I love your awesome post, and your great blog! I am so thrilled that you shared at A Bouquet of Talent. So excited to find your blog. Your newest follower. We will celebrate 26 years of marriage in 2 weeks, and it is moments like you spoke of that keeps our tanks full!!
Can't wait to read more of your blog! 🙂
Kathy @ lifeonlakeshoredrive.com
Thank you so much for the kind comments Kathy! Congrats on 26 years of marriage that is wonderful! Excited to have found your blog and be following you on your blog and on twitter!
Thank you for your sweet comment, Lenetta! I'll be sure to check out your blog!