I can’t believe there are only 16 days until Christmas! I don’t know about you guys but we are in full Christmas mood over here. That means the Christmas music is on Alexa 24/7 and we are trying to pack in all the Christmas fun. Our family LOVES to read and we own way too many books. One of our favorite things to do is to pull out holiday specific books that are dedicated to that holiday (we do this for every holiday). That means that right now all our Christmas books are out. We literally own over 40! Today I thought I would share with you guys some of our favorites. I have also linked all of these books on my Amazon storefront under Christmas books if you want to add any to your collection or you can always visit your local library and check them out. Have fun reading with your little ones!
- The Elves and the Shoemaker (little golden book) – super fun book about the Elves workshop
- Santa’s Magic Key – has become a tradition in and of itself in which we hang a key on our door every year so Santa can get it (perfect for those who may not have a chimney)
- Santa is Coming to Georgia (or any state) – they make these book for pretty much every state but the kids get a kick out of reading about Santa fly
- The Legend of St. Nicholas – how Santa came to be all about giving instead of getting
- The Elf on the Shelf – need I say more? Honestly I know the Elf gets a bad rep but he is so magical in our house that we have come to love him and this tradition
- The First Christmas – an awesome changing picture book that does a beautiful job of portraying the Christmas story
- Once Upon a Northpole Christmas – this is another one with great pictures that is just magical
- A Child was Born – a great first nativity book
- The Jolly Christmas Postman – I have had this book since I was a child and it is so fun as it tells the story of different Christmas letters being around, it is also super fun as it has letters with envelopes you can take out of the book and read and recipes and other fun things that make the book feel real
- The Night Before Christmas – such a beautiful classic
- Nighty-Night Northpole – this has to be the most magical book we own. It is the story of the northpole. The book has lights that automatically light up different building as you get to that page. Super cool and really hard to explain but trust me when I tell you that you need to add this one to your collection
- Who Was Born This Special Day – the Christmas story told through the eyes of the animals at Jesus’ birth
These are just some of our personal favorites. What is one of your favorite Christmas books? We would love to add to your collection. You can find all these books on my Amazon storefront here.
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