Southern Living - Red Wine Sippin' - Wife - Mom of 3 - Jesus Follower- Mompreneur
DIY Wainscoting
You guys, my husband rocks. Today’s DIY project to show you would not be complete without a shout out to my amazing husband. He somehow managed to tackle this project in the two days I was out of town for work last week all while watching our 19 month old son. I truly believe I married Superman.
O.k. now that the bragging session is over on to the project. Here is what our dining room wall looked like when I left for my trip:
And here is what I came back home to (new paint AND new wainscoting):
To accomplish this project my husband purchased corner round from Home Depot and cut it to size to make the squares along the wall. He nailed the trim to the wall and then painted the entire wall white. He said it took several coats of white paint.
Wow! That's impressive! Way to go to your hubs!