Southern Living - Red Wine Sippin' - Wife - Mom of 3 - Jesus Follower- Mompreneur
A New Year: 2017 SMART Goals and Word of the Year
As I mentioned in my previous post I am not a huge fan of resolutions but I do firmly believe in setting SMART goals. For those of you not familiar with SMART goals SMART is an acronym that stands for smart, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. I am also a firm believer that if you truly want to strive for something you need to write it down so below I am sharing my seven goals for 2017.
1. Nutrition: Drink eight cups of water a day. I am pretty good about drinking mainly water instead of soda or sugary drinks but the problem is I don’t drink enough. I am totally guilty of eating an entire meal without taking a single sip of my drink so this year I am going to really focus on drinking eight cups of water a day. I am also going to focus on giving my son a healthier breakfast at home everyday and and not just a frozen waffle in the car.
2. Blog: I am going to make sure I post AT LEAST one post a week. I always have good intentions but when life gets busy blogging is the first thing to tick off my “to-do” list. This year I am going to focus on at least one post a week as that it feels totally attainable.
3. Relax: This year I am going to focus on trying to truly relax. One way I plan to do this is by taking time to read more for fun. All I read in 2016 was either work related, faith related, or parenting related and while these are all very good and very worthy I have learned that reading for pleasure is actually very de-stressing to me so I plan to read at least one book for pleasure a month. I am off to a good start and have already finished “Two by Two” Nicolas Spark’s new book and really enjoyed it.
4. Be present in the now: I am going to try really hard to make myself focus in the moment. This means less multitasking and more focus time with whomever I am with at the moment.
5. Speak Up: As outgoing as I am once I get to know someone I can be very shy in large group settings. This year I am going to try to challenge myself to speak up when I have something to say or a question to ask. Not in non genuine way but in a I have a voice to and deserve to be heard sort of way.
6. Workout: I am going to strive to workout at least three times a week. My focus is going to be a de-stressing classes like Bare, Pilates, and Yoga but will also do strength training and cardio.
7. Worry less: The Bible tells us not to worry. This is easier said than done for me as I tend to get anxious pretty easily but this year I am going to do everything in my power to not stress. Especially over the little things. That is why my word of the year is “peace.”
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