As a fellow blog reader I always love “a day in the life” posts so I thought I would show you all what a typical day in our life has looked like this summer along with some products that we use when we are out and about that we couldn’t do without.
We usually start our day pretty early by showering and all getting ready for the day. I always take a shower (OCD thing), do my bible study, check my emails, and do 20 pushups, situps, and squats. I try my best to have my mini workout, bible study, and shower done before the kids get up but often times they are already up and eating breakfast and playing. Then after I get the kids dressed I pack up what we will need for the day. We try to have a least one activity that requires us to go somewhere each day but most days have had a lot more (it’s been a busy summer).
I have been trying to do much better about not eating out both for cost and health reasons so this summer I have been packing our lunches in our Bentgo lunch boxes which we love because it keeps the food separated and kids think its better than a lunchable and packing them in our RTIC cooler (knock off Yeti, we love it and it keeps food so cold all day long) and then bringing our lunches along in the car so we will have them when we get hungry. I throw in a copy of ice packs and ta-da works great!
Most days this summer we either head to the park or the library (or both). We NEVER leave the house without diapers, snacks, and water bottles for all three of us. Our favorite water bottles are the Bubi water bottles because they are light weight and roll up when we are finished so they take up no space, keep our beverages cold (I usually stick them in the freezer for a bit before we leave), and are dishwasher safe. We never go anywhere without them.
So yesterday we started off our day in our normal typical way and I packed lunches and did all my normal morning routine and then left the house by 9:30 for a 10AM playdate at a local park. After playing for a while on the playground with our cousins (we didn’t last as long as we wanted to because it was SO hot), we headed to the library for a magic show. After that Easton had a special day planned with his grandparents for a late birthday celebration so they picked him up for their special day and B and I headed home. If you follow me on instagram @raisingourwildthings then you know this is when I realized I left our lunches at home (UGH) so we ended up meeting my parents for lunch. After lunch we headed home and B took a nap and I took a few mins of “mommy time” to read my book. Once she woke up we played a few minutes and I cleaned the house. Once Daddy was home we fed her dinner and then went out on a date. And that my friends is a day in our life. Everyday looks a little different but overall that is pretty typical.
I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our “day in the life” and hope you enjoy some of the products we love. What does a typical day in your life look like?
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